Streamer, gamer, caster...
- Mikolas – Vlastním jménem Lukáš Benda, narozen roku 1994 v Praze. Kolem her a eSportu se pohybuje již poměrně dlouho. Dříve jako hráč CS:S na vyšší úrovni, později jako manažer a hlavní redaktor iNfected Gaming. Několik let také vedl vlastní World of Warcraft roleplay projekt.
- Mluví česky a anglicky, v současné době se věnuje streamování a vývoji vlastního FiveM post-apo roleplay serveru Virus RP. Je vedoucím Valorant sekce týmu Inaequalis, streamerem a Magna TV, dále také spolupracuje s týmem jako komentátor. Funguje také jako beta tester pro Špidla Data Processing a coachuje Valorant na
- Mezi nejoblíbenější hry patří především Valorant, League of Legends jako další pak Counter Strike či série Assassin’s Creed.
- Mikolas – Lukas Benda, born in 1994 in Prague. Around the games and eSport has been moving for quite time. Previously as a CS:S player at a higher level, later as a manager and chief editor of iNfected Gaming. For several years he has also led his own World of Warcraft roleplay project.
- He speaks Czech and English and he is currently streaming and developing his own FiveM post-apo roleplay server Virus RP. He is a leader of Valorant section in progaming team Inaequalis, streamer of and Magna TV, also colaborates with the team as a caster and also works as a beta tester for Špidla Data Processing and Valorant coach on
- Favorite games includes mainly Valorant, League of Legends and also Counter Strike or Assassin’s Creed series.
- As a streamer, joined 17.9.2018 team of
- 21.9.2018 achieved a SUB button on Twitch channel
- From 6.10.2018 cast of eSuba.Vodafone Academy qualification
- In 3.11.2018 cast of eSuba.Vodafone Academy finals
- 12.11.2018 acquired 1st subscriber on Twitch channel
- 17.11.2018 passed League of Legends coaching with Nicholas “NicoThePico” Korsgård”
- 28.11.2018 invited to STARS program
- 21.1.2019 entered gaming team Inaequalis
- In 9.3.2019 cast of ESA 3E League grand finals
- In 6.4.2019 hit 1000 Twitch channel followers
- 13.4.2019 achieved 200.000 Twitch channel views
- 19.4.2019 partnered with as a full time streamer
- 15.3.2020 begin development of own FiveM RP server Virus RP
- 22.6.2020 begin coaching Valorant on